In recent times, women have become increasingly involved in the quest for peace and stability across the world. Members of the steering committee for the ICGLR Regional Women’s Forum recently took part in a two-day workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, focused on building their capacities for mediation and constructive conflict resolution.
The training program, hosted from 1st -2nd December 2023, equipped participants with critical skills on principled negotiation, dialogic engagement, conflict analysis, and related themes. Through interactive sessions facilitated by expert peacebuilding practitioner Mr. Philip Visser of ACCORD, the group explored regional case studies and practiced applying tools tailored to their context.

Addressing the workshop, the Director for Gender, Women and Children, Ms. Flaviana Charles Mayuta, highlighted the importance of the skills development. The training directly responds to the recognized need for women’s inclusion and leadership in mediation processes across the Great Lakes region.

In her opening remarks, the President of the Forum Hon. Dr. Sabine Ntakarutimana, thanked ACCORD and the Secretariat for their support but noted the lack of resources to implement the Forum’s ambitious strategic plans for women’s engagement in peace and security. She called upon additional partners to provide assistance in resourcing and coordinating with complementary networks.

By exchanging wisdom from women peacebuilders across Africa and emphasizing practical application to current disputes, the workshop succeeded in bolstering members’ confidence and readiness to pursue concrete actions centred on mediation, community facilitation, and stakeholder engagement around flashpoint issues in their countries.
Women have always been the backbone of their communities, and their inclusion in peacebuilding processes is essential for the success of any initiative. The training program provided a platform for women to exchange ideas, learn new skills, and enhance their capabilities to resolve conflicts in their communities.